The release days has been changing and now finally Hand on Heart is released and Beautiful Angel release day is 26.6 ! Very laid back songs for these midsummer days that are hot and sunny here in Finland.

I´m all ready excited about the new music coming out from 15.7. when first Finnish song of mine is being released and then at least two more singles in this year during the autumn and maybe an album in 2021.

New site is also on it´s way in no time….



The release days has been changing and now finally Hand on Heart is released and Beautiful Angel release day is 26.6 ! Very laid back songs for these midsummer days that are hot and sunny here in Finland.

I´m all ready excited about the new music coming out from 15.7. when first Finnish song of mine is being released and then at least two more singles in this year during the autumn and maybe an album in 2021.

New site is also on it´s way in no time….


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